Submersible vs Pedestal Sump Pump: Which One to Pick?

When it comes to protecting your basement from flooding, having a reliable sump pump is essential. Two popular types of sump pumps on the market are submersible pumps and pedestal pumps. Both serve the same purpose of removing water from your basement, but they have key differences that may influence your decision when choosing which type to install. In this article, we will compare submersible and pedestal sump pumps to help you make an informed decision.

What is a Sump Pump?

Before we delve into the differences between submersible and pedestal sump pumps, let’s first understand what a sump pump is and why it is important. A sump pump is a device that is installed in the lowest part of a basement or crawlspace to help prevent flooding. When water accumulates in the sump pit, the sump pump is activated to pump the water out and away from the building, keeping your basement dry and free from water damage.

Submersible Sump Pump

A submersible sump pump is designed to be placed directly in the sump pit, where it operates underwater. This type of pump is typically more powerful than a pedestal pump, with the ability to pump out a larger volume of water. Submersible pumps are also quieter and more discreet, as they are located beneath the water level and are not easily visible. Installation of a submersible pump can be more labor-intensive, as it requires digging a deeper sump pit to accommodate the pump.

**Advantages of Submersible Sump Pump

1. More powerful: Submersible sump pumps are able to pump out a larger volume of water, making them ideal for homes in high water table areas or prone to frequent flooding.
2. Quieter operation: Since submersible pumps are located underwater, they produce less noise compared to pedestal pumps.
3. Discreet installation: Submersible pumps are not easily visible, as they are placed beneath the water level in the sump pit.

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Disadvantages of Submersible Sump Pump**

1. Higher installation cost: Installation of a submersible pump can be more labor-intensive and may require professional help, resulting in higher installation costs.
2. More prone to clogging: Submersible pumps are located underwater, making them more susceptible to clogging from debris or dirt that may accumulate in the sump pit.

Pedestal Sump Pump

A pedestal sump pump, on the other hand, is mounted above the sump pit, with the motor located above the water level. While pedestal pumps are typically less powerful than submersible pumps, they are easier to access for maintenance and repairs. Pedestal pumps are also more affordable and easier to install, as they do not require digging a deep sump pit.

Advantages of Pedestal Sump Pump

1. Easy maintenance: Pedestal pumps are easier to access for maintenance and repairs, as the motor is located above the water level.
2. Lower installation cost: Pedestal pumps are more affordable and easier to install, making them budget-friendly options for homeowners.
3. Less prone to clogging: Since pedestal pumps are located above the water level, they are less likely to get clogged by debris or dirt in the sump pit.

Disadvantages of Pedestal Sump Pump

1. Less powerful: Pedestal pumps are generally less powerful than submersible pumps, which may not be suitable for homes with high water tables or frequent flooding.
2. Noisier operation: Pedestal pumps are located above the water level and may produce more noise compared to submersible pumps.

Which Sump Pump is Right for You?

The choice between a submersible and pedestal sump pump ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. If you live in an area prone to frequent flooding or have a high water table, a submersible pump may be the best option for you. Submersible pumps are more powerful and can handle larger volumes of water, making them ideal for demanding situations.

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On the other hand, if you are looking for a budget-friendly option that is easy to install and maintain, a pedestal pump may be the better choice. Pedestal pumps are less powerful but are sufficient for most residential basements that experience occasional flooding.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between a submersible and pedestal sump pump, there are several factors to consider. Submersible pumps are more powerful and discreet, while pedestal pumps are more affordable and easier to maintain. Ultimately, the best sump pump for your home will depend on your specific needs and budget. Whichever type you choose, installing a sump pump is a wise investment that can help protect your basement from water damage and flooding.

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